Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Sunday Hoard

These are from the Hoard of Mamta, and the rough tumble of colors is very eye catching!Visit her shop to see the creative items made with some of these ingredients...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Welcome New Member

Welcome to WhoaItsMe, who also has a shop called Finding Things. Whoa It's Me has dresses and aprons for girls and women, as well as "other stuff" for girls and women. The "other stuff" includes needle books, jewelry rollups, car organizers, crayon rollups, and cute satin soft baby shoes.

Finding Things is for patterns, findings, and vintage items. Take a look for your pattern and button finds. Patterns include children's clothing, window coverings, furniture covers, and twin dolls with carrier, among others.

Happy hoarding!

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Bin Myth...

Today, check out this blog post by Beck and Call Girl. Here is an excerpt to pique your interest...

"We all use them for storage & organization. The question is, do they really work or are they a myth? What am I talking about? Plastic storage bins, of course!

I use them, but I don't really feel organized. In some aspects, I know they help me, but in other aspects, I feel like it's out of sight, out of mind." (read more...)

You simply MUST visit the post to see the wonderful photos of stash, stash, stash! Those colorful "stramers" are absolute eye candy. Makes me want to hang swatches from clothespins as wall art.

Happy Hoarding!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Productivity achieved...

Today, I am pointing you to the Thursday post on Girl Industries' blog. Some of my favorite sights are there. Untidy stash to tidy stash, with lots of color and texture all mixed together to please the senses...

Happy Hoarding!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

July Challenge

This next month, let's try something related to the height of summer. Food focused, maybe. All about environmental friendliness, eating local, and sharing the bounty. Picnic blankets/quilts, cloth napkins, cloth coasters, napkin rings, wine glass jewelry, fruit bowls, picnic totes, place card holders, bird feeders, bird houses, you get the idea...

Who is in?

Welcome One and All

to our very own Etsy team blog. I finally decided that it wouldn't take THAT much time to keep a blog, and it might be a more visually pleasing way to display our work, challenges, links, and whatnot. Yes?

So, more about getting involved...who would like to post to this blog? Perhaps we could split it up, and we could have a different person post for each day of the week?

We could make it easy with a simple format to follow for those times when we don't have a particular inspiration:

Memories Monday: vintage and vintage inspired
Tuesdays: ? what ideas for Tuesdays?
Wednesdays: Craft the World (how we can help the environment with our eco friendly hoard) or Word Wednesday
Thursday: ? what ideas for Thursday?
Friday: Featured Artist Friday or Featured Blog Friday
Saturday Sharing: what tutorials, tips, tools instruction, or other helpful ideas do you have?
The Sunday Hoard: Silent Sunday photos of you craft stash/studio/projects

Lastly, this team was begun as an Etsy team, but I know that many of you also have Artfire, 1000 Markets, and/or other shops also. I, personally, am not selling in any shop right now. So this blog is for Hoarders Unite (Universal). That means that you do not have to limit it to Etsy topics.

Happy Hoarding!