In case you missed it on the Yahoo Groups page, or have not visited our forum thread on Etsy, I am posting the challenge for this month here on the blog as well:
I think we should do a participation challenge for November. With the holidays
around the corner and all of us busy as bees in summer, I am not going to make
it a "create" challenge. So, here it is:
1. Team Treasuries: if you know how to get treasuries, let's try to have at
least one team treasury for each week of November. I haven't even tried for a
treasury in some time, but I will start working on that one.
2. Sharing the treasuries and other promo info on the Etsy forum: let's have a
team thread for the month that lists thoughts, projects, treasuries, blog posts, we can all stay inspired and we can help each other with stash
suggestions. Here is the link to the thread:
3. Communication on the Yahoo Groups forum:
I would love it if we had more discussion here in the forums. What do you like?
What are your gripes about selling, creating, whatever? What do you do to stay
organized? You can even just put up good news and links to features about your
I hope you will all check in on the forums and let me know you are in for
the participation points for the month of November! (figurative points, of course!)
Here we go, 2020
5 years ago
Our second team Treasury. I got one yesterday. Here's the link:
Great! That gives me a post topic for today.